By-Laws, Programs, Policies and Orientations


The documents in this section have no legal value and are presented for information purposes only. Only a duly signed copy obtained from the municipality can constitute an official document. For more information, contact the municipal office.

*The bylaws listed in this section are those that are asked for most often. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about any other bylaw, please call 819 681-3390.
**Some documents may only be available in French.

    • Code of Ethics for Municipal Employees (No. 274)
    • Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Elected Officials (No. 266)
  • CONTRACT – Contract management (No. 276)
    • Salaries of election officers – amendment to No. 177 (No. 264)
    • Salary of election officers – amendment of No. 177  (No. 233)
    • Salary of election officers  – remplacement of No 177 and 233 (No. 293)
    • Decree of expenditure and loan by-law – White /de la Montagne – phases 1 and 2 – 2020 (No. 259)
    • Decree of expenditure and loan by-law – White /de la Montagne – phases 2 and 3 – 2022 (No. 273)
  • MEETING – Revised Internal Regulations (No. 267)
  • PUBLIC NOTICE – Procedures for Publication of Public Notices (No. 275)
  • SALARIES– Salaries and Expense Allocations for Elected Officials (No. 289)
    • Harmonized by-law regarding Alarm Systems (displacement SQ) (No 281)
    • Bylaw concerning unfounded alarms (displacement of fire safety department) (No 2023-297)
  • BURNING (No. 244)
    • Harmonized by-law regarding circulation and parking (No 279)
    • Harmonized by-law regarding circulation of horses and horse-drawn vehicle (No 280 & annexes)
    • Plan, dated November 2019 – Summary ( No. 2019-0201 )
    • Mobilization list update – Modification of No. 2019-00201 (xxx)
    • Harmonized by-law regarding nuisances 2022 (No 277)
    • Domestic animal control (No. 198)
    • Collection and transportation – replacement of No. 237 (No. 255)
    • Collection and Transportation – Black Bin – Amendment to No. 255 (No. 270)
  • SAFETY – Harmonized by-law regarding Safety, Peace and Order in Public Places (No. 278)

2002 REVISED URBANISM BY-LAW (Urban Planning By-laws No. 111 to 115)

  • ADMINISTRATION – Enforcement and Administration of Planning By-laws (No. 111)
    • Digging of a well or groundwater catchment work – modification of No. 111 (No. 137) 
    • Development of a vehicular crossing on the air corridor – modification of No. 111 (No. 164)
    • Removal of tarif sections in planning by-laws, reference to the Municipal Activities, Goods and Services By-law – modification of No. 111, 137, 146 and 147 (No. 196).
    • Adjustment of the boundaries of certain AG or AF zones to the agricultural zone, identification of destructured islands, agricultural separation distances – modification of 110 (No. 128) and modification of 112 (No. 129)
    • Identification of 7 destructured islands, amendment of No. 110 (No. 175) and permission to build residences on the 7 destructured islands – modification of No. 112 (No. 176)
    • Identification of 7 destructured islands and modification of the agricultural and agroforestry affectations – modification of no 110 (No. 189), modification of No. 112 (No. 190) and modification of no 113 subdivision (No. 191)
  • ALLOTMENT (No. 113)
    • Identification of 7 destructured islands and modification of the agricultural and agroforestry designations – modification of no. 113 (No 191);
    • Building standards and municipalization of roads – modification of  No. 113 (No. 144)
    • Vehicular crossing on the Aerobic Corridor and distance between intersections – modification of No. 113 (No. 166)
    • Contribution for parks, playgrounds and natural areas – modification of No. 113 (No. 211)
    • Domestic animal control (No. 198)
    • Standards for keeping farm animals on residential sites – modification of No. 112 (No. 215)
    • Harmonized by-law regarding circulation of horses and horse-drawn vehicles (No. 280 & Annexes)
    • Reduction in floor area of a building (H1) in zone Rr-26 – modification of No. 112 (No. 253)
    • New agricultural use category – cannabis production – limited to FOR-4 and FOR-5 zones – modification of No. 112 (No. 251)
    • Authorization of the use of intensive outdoor recreation business as a principal or complementary use to the dwelling in the Vi-33 zone – repeal No. 156 and modification of No. 112 (No. 231)
    • Allowing light commercial uses in the Cc-24 zone – modification of No. 112 (No. 238-1)
    • Telecommunication tower (No. 155)
    • Telecommunication tower +20 meters in zones FOR-4, FOR-6, RU-16 and RU-46 – modification of No. 155 (No. 229)
  • CONSTRUCTION (No. 114)
    • Withdrawal of NBC application – modification of No. 114 (No. 188)
    • Allowing dwelling units in commercial food and lodging buildings in Zone VI-33 -modification of No. 112 (No. 246)
    • Permitting dwelling units in commercial buildings in Zone VI-33 – modification of No. 112 (No. 248)
  • DEMOLITION – Demolition of a heritage building, and other buildings built in 1950 and before (No. 291)
  • ELEVATION QUOTATION – Flood Zones – Amendment to No. 110 (No. 130) and modification of No. 112 (No. 131)
  • FEES – Removal of tarif articles in planning by-laws, reference to the Tarif Setting By-law for Municipal Activities, Goods and Services – modification of No. 111, 137, 146 and 147 (No. 196)
  • FENCE, HEDGE, WALL AND SUPPORT WALL – Revised Implamentaition norms – modification of No. 112 (No. 170)
  • GREENHOUSE and light farm building – modification of No. 112 (No. 138)
    • Incorporation of standards for the protection of areas at risk of landslides – modification of No; 111 (No. 161)
    • Amendment of standards for the protection of areas at risk of landslides – modification of No. 112 (No. 162)
    • Definition of floor area ratio and in the case of an integrated project – modification of No. 112 (No. 170);
    • Revision of standards for integrated projects – modification of No. 112 (No. 209)
    • Authorization and limitation of uses (integrated project and others) in zones PA-9 and PA-10 – modification of No. 112 (No. 212)
  • INTERIM CONTROL – Interim control by-law no 272 for the sub-categories of use Residential (H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, H-6 to H-7) and Commercial (C-11), as well as major projects, integrated projects and certain minor projects on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Arundel (No. 272) and amendement (No 286)
  • MAINTENANCE – Building maintenance – modification of No. 112 (No. 170)
  • MINOR VARIANCES – Revised Minor variances by-law – replacement of #115, #151 and #169 (No. 265)
    • Recognition of the acquired rights of the municipal garage, community hall and outdoor play areas in the agroforestry designation – modification of No. 110 (No. 199)
    • Creation of zone and use grid Af-39-1, for uses related to the municipal garage – modification of No. 112 (No. 200);
  • PAC (Planning Advisory Committee)
  • PAE
    • Concordance By-law No. 284 on Comprehensive Development Plans (PAE) to ensure concordance with By-law No. 271 amending the Urban Plan (No. 284)
  • PARK
    • Contribution for parks, playgrounds and natural areas and cadastral reform – modification of No. 112 (No. 211.1)
    • Contribution for parks, playgrounds and natural areas and cadastral reform – modification of No. 112 (No. 209)
    • By-law No. 211 respecting contribution for parks, playgrounds and natural areas – modification of No. 112 and  113 (No. 211)
    • By-law No. 2023-211.1 amending by-law No. 211 respecting contributions for parks, playgrounds and natural areas – modification of No. 211 (No. 2023-211.1)
  • PIIA
    • Bylaw Regarding Site Planning and Architectural Integration Plan (PIIA) in village core (No. 168)
    • Concordance by-law No. 285 on site planning and architectural integration programs (PIIA) for certain zones outside the village core to ensure concordance with by-law No. 271 amending the Urban Plan (No. 285)
    • Construction Standards and Municipalization of Private and Public Roads – modification of No. 113 (No. 144)
    • By-law 2023-298 Concerning the establishment of standards applicable to the construction and modification of streets and their municipalization – replacement of No. 144 (No. 2023-298)
  • SETBACK MARGINS – Revised Table of Permitted Accessory Structures and Equipment in Setbacks – modification of No. 112 (No. 170)
    • Strengthening provisions for the protection of lake shores, watercourses and wetlands – modification of No. 111 and 112 (No. 140)
    • High Water Mark Separation Distance – Isolated Residence – modification of No. 140 (No. 258)
    • Short term rental use (31 days or less) in the PA-10 zone – modification of No. 112 (No. 215)
    • Bylaws Nos. 290.1 to 290.49 modifying zonage bylaw No. 112 concerning Principal Residence Establishments (PRE) (en liasse) (Nos 290.1 to 290.49 and Withdrawals)
    • Authorization for the installation of telecommunication towers under certain conditions – modification of no. 110 (no. 153)
    • Telecommunication tower and antenna standards – modification of No. 112 (No. 154)
    • Authorization of telecommunication use in zones FOR-4, FOR-6, RU-16 and RU-46 – modification of No. 112 (No. 228)
  • URBAN PLAN (No. 110)
    • Adjustment of the boundaries of certain AG or AF zones to the agricultural zone, identification of destructed islands, agricultural separation distances – modification of Urban Plan No. 110 (No.128)
    • Elevation for flood zones – modification of 110 (No. 130)
    • Telecommunication tower – modification of No. 110 (No. 153)
    • Vehicular Crossing – modification of No. 110 (No. 163) and (167)
    • Identification of 7 destructured islands – modification of No. 110 (No. 175)
    • Identification of 7 destructured islands and modification of the agricultural and agroforestry designations – modification of no. 110 (no. 189)
    • Recognition of the acquired rights of the municipal garage, community hall and outdoor play areas in the agroforestry designation – modification of No. 110 (No. 199)
    • Reduction of certain densities (PA, RU, VA and FOR) and for certain uses (H-1, H-2 and C-2) – modification of No. 110 (No. 271)
    • Concordance By-law No. 283 to ensure concordance with By-law No. 271 amending the Urban Plan (No. 283) and (Annexe 1- Modified grids no. 283 )
    • Concordance By-law No. 284 on Comprehensive Development Plans (PAE) to ensure concordance with By-law No. 271 amending thee Urban Plan (No. 284)
    • Concordance by-law No. 285 on site planning and architectural integration programs (PIIA) for certain zones outside the village core to ensure concordance with by-law No. 271 amending the Urban Plan (No. 285)
  • VEHICLE CROSSING – Aerobic Corridor
    • Vehicular Crossing on the Aerobic Corridor and Intersection Distance, modification of No. 110 (No. 163) and (167), Amendment to No. 111 (No. 164) – Amendment to No. 112 (No. 165) and modification of No. 113 (No. 166).
    • Zonage by-law (No. 112)
    • Adjustment of the boundaries of certain AG or AF zones to the agricultural zone, identification of destructed islands, agricultural separation distances – modification of Zonage bylaw No. 112 (No. 129)
    • Concordance By-law no 283 to ensure concordance with By-law No. 271 amending the Urban Plan (No. 283) and (Annexe 1- Modified grids No. 283 )



    • Assistance program : Partial reimbursement of non-resident fees for certain sporting activities and other expenses 2024 (resolution 2024-01-010)




    • Assistance Program for Partial Reimbursement of Day Camp Fees by the Municipality of the Township of Arundel- 2024




Within the framework of its first Municipal Family Policy (PFM), the municipality is working to meet the needs related to improving the quality of life of all its citizens. The main values and principles underlying this family policy are as follows:

      1. Respect, social inclusion and belonging to the community;
      2. Attractiveness, dynamism and enrichment of the living environment
      3. Protection, preservation, sharing and respect of the uniqueness of Arundel’s built, historical and natural heritage
      4. The health, safety and wellness, particularly of seniors and youth
      5. Health, safety and wellness, especially of seniors and youth
      6. Harmony, solidarity, collaboration and mutual aid
      7. Sustainable development and local autonomy



    • 6 Major Municipal Council Orientations 2024 (no. 2024-01-11)