
Opening Hours

Wednesday: 10 am to 2 pm
Saturday: 10 am to noon

The Arundel Municipal Library is open for its usual hours! 
During holidays etc. you can confirm hours by calling:.

819-681-3390 ext. 5607

Library Administrator : Kim Morrison 

Contact us:


Books and Reference Materials

The library offers books in English for all age groups, reference books and some periodicals. French books are available for children.

The library is a member of Réseau Biblio Laurentides. The interlibrary loan service is also available and provides access to over 500,000 books, of which over 90% are in French. Members wishing to obtain French books can use it for free.

The Laurentian Library Network also offers online access to digital book, audio books s and resources (English and French), magazines, language courses and office automation software, encyclopedias, as well as career and employment resources. To access these online resources, you must be a member of the library and get your personal identification number (PIN). For additional information, please contact the library.

Also, subscribers have access to a French collection by subscribing free of charge to the Huberdeau and Montcalm libraries.

Digital Books and Resources

Books, journals and digital resources are always available free of charge through Ma BIBLIO à moi.



Free for residents of Arundel, Montcalm and Huberdeau


Individual – 6 months : $12
Individual – 12 months : $20
Family – 6 months : $18
Family – 12 months : $35

Late fees

$ 0.25 per working day/per book.

The maximum amount for late fees is the cost or replacement value of the book + 15% administrative fee.

In case of breakage or loss, the amount required will be the cost or replacement value + 15% administrative fee.


You are entitled to six (6) documents (books and periodicals) for a period of three weeks. Your subscription card is necessary and required to borrow any document.

You can also proceed on the Internet on the Réseau BIBLIO des Laurentides website, with your personal identification number (PIN).

Special Requests

If you want a novel, documentary or any other volume that is not on the shelves, make an application to the clerks and they will book it for you or request it from another library.


A Croque-livres was recently made ​​public at Arundel Post Office located at 14, Doctor Henry road. It was initiated by students from  Arundel Elementary School.

What is the Croque-livres initiative?

Inspired by the approach “Take a book or give a book,” the initiative of “Croque-livre” is a network of book sharing clubs for young people aged 0 to 12 years of Quebec. Launched in September 2014, the initiative aims to bring together and engage communities around the pleasure of reading. Adopted and supported by organizations, institutions, companies or individuals, the Croque-livres are drop points that offer children and their families free access to shared books.


Some editions on the history of Arundel

  • The Tweedsmuir Village Histories

Arundel 1856 1954 – part I

Arundel 1856 1954 – part II



The public can access two computers and two iPads connected to the Internet during business hours . An appointment is suggested during the summer months.

Two (2) Wi -Fi wireless networks self-service (no password) are also available on the grounds of the City Hall. The first is located in the Library and extends into the parking lot and the second is located in the Beaven Creek Pavillion.
